Thursday, August 12, 2010


My wisdom to you--- is to not. Geez Louise wisdom teeth removal is torturous. Not the actual procedure, but the recovery. So many risks. My mom decided to go a little dental procedure crazy and schedule Riker, Paden, and myself to have major dental procedures done in one afternoon. Riker had three molars removed with roots the size of wisdom teeth, and Paden and myself had all four of our wisdom teeth removed. Paden had the worst of it all he had two impacted wisdom teeth, meaning both of his bottom teeth were growing into his back molars. So they had to dig for his to come out. Plus 6 cavaties filled. That is so not ok in my book. My teeth just kinda popped out. I was lucky and I have a cap on my tooth. However, Paden and I are camped out on my couch being under constant care of my mother. It is quite nice, except the fact that we have to be taken care of. Both of us are quite miserable. Living off of pudding, Frosty's and jello is not very satisfying. It really unappetizing when it becomes meals instead of snacks. :( but one day I will eat solid food again. And I plan on making taco salad. Anything crunchy! I cannot wait. Of course, I will not post any pictures. Half of my face is swollen and I would elect not to remember that. I am pretty sure that my pain now will be the worst I feel, until, well maybe child birth. I am doing well, as long as I take drugs when I need to.
I start school in a few weeks, and I am very excited. I enjoy continuing my education. Although I know a few things will be different. It will make me wiser. I have 18 credits fall semester and I am super excited and extremely nervous. I think I can do all of it. I just have to have my mind set in what I am to do. I know that two of my new roommates are studying to be nurses, so there are three of us in my apartment that are in a health major. At least I wont be the only one freaking out about my science classes. :) One day my life will be simple. Until then, live your life, laugh often, and love always.


Arreana said...

haha actually it might be the worse pain cuz child birth they just put that spinal tap in and your in la la land so ya. . :)

Steph said...

I had mine out just a few years ago and they said because I was so old (!!) it would be worse for me. Mine were impacted (all 4) and it was HORRIBLE. In some ways it was as bad as having a baby, except I didn't get to take home a cute new baby-- just be miserable for a week or two.

Hang in there, you should bounce back pretty quickly, you're young and healthy. ***hugs***
