Sunday, August 8, 2010

Life in General.

First-- I have two nights and two and half days left at Camp Steiner. Which I don't mind. But what I do mind is the fact that Tuesday night at 5 pm I get my wisdom teeth out. I am such a wuss when it comes to recovering and the pain. I am so not looking forward to Tuesday. But I am so I can be home again.
Home-- Ha! I have two weeks until college starts again for fall semester. I am completely thrilled. Everything is working out. I have 4 roommates so far and I have my own room. And my classes are all figured out. 18 credits baby! And, my financial aid will pay for everything. It is like God wants me to continue my education. Well, I have no doubt in that. I can't wait to head back down to Ephraim.
What is honestly freaking myself out is in less than a month I will be 20! When did that happen? I remember when turning 16 was a major thing. Even though 20 isn't really major, it's still about the time that growing up can really start to happen. That realization hits me almost everyday. Happy Birthday to me!
Whilst I am at camp I have time to think. It is all good thinking. I believe that it is the first time I think and I don't stress (much) but I think about where I was and where I am now. And I know that where I am in life now I will continue to go in that direction. I love experiencing life as it happens.
Good Luck. Love Life.

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