Sunday, March 28, 2010

My Boogers are PINK!

Well, thousands of people come to embrace a new culture. So the parking is scarce. So we parked a little distance from the Temple. But it was a beautiful Spring day so the walk was glorious. As the 7 of us, (My roomies-Lacey, Makelle, and Katelyn [me], Mike [Katelyn's boy] and Jake and Lauren) headed to the temple we were met by people leaving. All of us are wearing white shirts, so the chalk sticks out. Out of no where a chalked covered lady says "Nomastey" and gives me a hug. I have no idea who she is or anything. But hey whatever. The day was about peace and love.
We continue on up to the temple and run into a few friends from Snow and chat. Then we go and buy chalk. Thousands of people are already there and have chalk so we are walking
through the crowds. As we walk random chalk flies and you get hit. As Lacey led the way one guy said that Mak, Lacey and I were too clean so we got orange smudges on our cheeks. This happened often.
We finally make it to buy chalk.
It's one huge crowd. No lines just pushing and shoving. It was intense. Well, we got bags of chalk and made our way to the stage for the actual event. We met Alicia and Rendall and they joined us. As we went through the crowd we got as close to the stage as we could. Which was not close at all. We could barely see the dancers.
But we started our chalk war. My hair was being attacked by Mike who was behind me. Slowly, my brown hair turned pick. So I grabb
ed yellow chalk and threw it in his face. :) TRIUMPH! However when I turned around again, I got pink right in my face as well. In my eyes up, up my nose, and in my mouth. It does not taste great and the smell is strong. One could get high. lol. I didn't. However, the dirtier the better. All of us got dirty.
It was finally time for the color cloud. We took in ten deep breaths and then the countdown from twenty started. The top of the crowd made it to 13 and then started throwing chalk in the air. It was a massive cloud of colors. I couldn't l
ook up for fear of being blind. And I couldn't breath. The chalk tastes nasty. But Oh goodness it was insanely fun! As we made our way out of the crowd I had to sneeze. I was told later that when I sneezed a massive cloud of chalk was exhumed off of me. Kinda like the little dirty boy off of Charlie Brown with the clouds of dust around him all the time. I couldn't avoid sneezing, but Katelyn and Mike had to stop because they were laughing so hard.
We took pictures. Of course. Before and after shots. But I will post those later as they are on Lacey's camera.
We didn't want to hit traffic so we headed back to the cars. Once at the car we rolled down the window and
jammed out to the song "One Day" by Matisyahu. It was a great song for the hippie day. As we drove off though we made our own chalk cloud again. We ate and huffed it all over again. It was hilarious.
I could not wait to shower. But we stopped at Lacey's to go
to the bathroom and then we headed to a bonfire. It was a fabulous day.
Once in the peace of my apartment bedroom I took the liberty to document my dirtiness.
This is my once white polo.

The stitches used to be yellow!

This was the pink that covered my entire scalp at the end of the day

HARE KRISHNA! Entire chalk covered outfit.

This was right after the cloud dispersed.

Now, For your pleasure. I finally got to blow my nose, after my shower, and my BOOGERS WERE PINK!!!
Love, Elora


Arreana said...

EW i so didnt need to see your pink boogers!! haha jk but seriously if you ever have any other bodily fluids or anything change colors i dont need to see...

Laura D. Bastian said...

You are hilarious. I'm glad you have the guts to share that kind of stuff.
