Wednesday, March 24, 2010

In My Mind

Now this can be a very scary blog. Just a warning!
So this morning I woke up around 9:30 and started reading my "Miracle of Forgiveness" book by Spencer W. Kimball. It is a wonderful book and I love it. But I was reading about the unforgivable sins and the Point of No Return. And mainly it was murdering and shedding of innocent blood. But my testimony grew, for it said that even the murders who change and repent of their sins that the Lord will judge them for the righteous things they have done in their life, but they will never obtain Celestial glory. But to think that the Lord can look past that makes me realize I need to let hardships in the past go. But it will take a while on a few. That was just at 9:30ish.

This is the rest of today.
Well, I also started thinking about everything. Here it goes. It needs to be let out. Sorry.

Stupid DREAMS! GAH! I'm pregnant in this one. I think I'll blame my birth control.

I have my Jazz dance class at 11:30, and I'm falling behind.

I have to work at the pharmacy today.

Text my love Good morning!

Fetch! I haven't studied enough for my pharmacy test tonight! AHH! Ok, grab my flash cards. Start reviewing.

Go eat. Ok. I haven't gone grocery shopping. What do I have? I have eggs. Ok. Over easy eggs.

Ouch I burned myself cleaning up.

Ok. Go get your marias on and find your dance thongs.

Man I don't want to go to class it is so nice. Not for long. Dang psycho Utah weather.

I don't want to dance. But be happy. You are still dancing.

Dance is finally over. Need to pay attention more. I suck. But EWW I'm all sweaty.

Do I have time to shower? NO, of course not. Ok. Where is my wash cloth?

EWW! I feel gross! Ok. Hurry. I need to recurl my hair.

Nope. DOn't have time. ELORA! Make up! Fetch.

I hate being a girl.

I HATE MY BREAST! I swear I am getting a reduction.

Ok. Ready? Do I smell descent? Yes. Body Spray. Love Spell. Awh this is Logan's favorite! :)

Ok. Eat then leave.

I'm at the pharmacy and I have to study. I have this test tonight! I'm gonna fail.

Great. This four hours are going to be long.

Should I go back to camp? Pharmacy seems like a flop right now. :(

Fabulous conversations with the pharmacist today. Kristen wants a boob job!! Ha Ha! She is already well endowed. ;)

Study Elora. Fetch. What does Xanolan do again? Oh right! Turns blue eyes brown!

Oh thank heavens for Bree! :) She makes studying great!

Test in 30 minutes!

Go home, pee, change, eat leave.

Drive. Praying all the way.

Ok. I'm in the class room. Look at test.

***Swear words** Fill in the blank. I'm not ready for that. I'm gonna fail.

I'm done. Text Logan for words of comfort.

Grey's Anatomy is the best for wasting time.

I should go grocery shopping. No, I'll just grill chicken.

Good meal.

I miss Logan.

Ten o'clock. I'm annoyed. I hate the world. Time for PMSing Elora to go to bed!

Ok. Facebook time. Facebook is entertaining.

Now I know, that isn't all I am thinking about. But my mind is insane. And that isn't even half of it. But I need to spill. I think a lot about things. And my main ones are money, BOY:LOGAN and the Future. I have so much to do and wish for.
I have made mistakes in my life. I am human and that is what happens. But I have repented and am truly sorry for my mistakes. But because I understand the atonement and what the Lord has done for me I can achieve a brand new start. And Next Tuesday (hopefully) I get to be worthy to have my Temple Recommend in my hand. I am very excited. My first trip to the temple is in April with my ward. Manti temple here I come. :D
My life is confusing. And I have been accused of hiding things from the world. But I just don't notice it. But I don't hide I just limit myself.
I love you all and pray for many of you.


Josh and Mikal said...

Where did you get that book? That is exactly what I need to read right now.!

Nick said...

Busy much? lol... hope you did well on your test!

Our Family of Four said...

I love you Elora Dene! You crack me up.. "Fetch!" Lol! You amaze me though, you've always been a busy body!
